The late registration fee for the conference is only £30 (increased from £20 for regular registration). This includes lunch on Friday and Saturday, dinner on Thursday and Friday, as well as plenty of coffee/tea/biscuits, and a conference pack.
Accommodation. We have a limited number of subsidised college rooms (£40 for two nights, single room with shower, shared toilet). Participants who know people in Cambridge or did Part III are encouraged to check with their friends or former college whether they can be hosted there. If you have no connection to Cambridge we will do our best to help you find reasonably priced accommodation, but the earlier you register the easier this will be. (Please note that accommodation is no longer available for newly registered participants.)
A note to your PhD supervisor. It's true that this conference is 'general', in that it covers many areas of the mathematical sciences. However it is split into specific sessions of between 12-25 members so that participants really get to know others in their area, and hopefully stay in contact after the event. It is the perfect opportunity for students to give a talk (maybe their first) to a friendly audience, and learn more about life at other academic institutions. It's also very cheap!
(If your institution is unable to support your travel and accommodation then let us know and we'll try to help, but we do only have limited funds.)