Most sessions include an accessible talk, which will assume less specialist knowledge. Current Part II and Part III maths students are particularly encouraged to attend any or all of these. If you are considering taking Part III or doing a PhD these talks will be an opportunity to meet people a little further along that route.
- 2.30-3.00, Pavillion B common room (General Relativity/Cosmology): Jacques Smulevici - The domain of dependence property and wave equations in relativity
- 3.30-4.00, MR2 (Algebraic Geometry): Oliver Braeunling - Intersections from various perspectives: A tourist guide
- 4.30-5.15, MR4 (Statistics and Probability): Jonathan Forster - Statistics: The Mathematics of Society
- 4.30-5.00, MR15 (Fluid Dynamics): Draga Pihler - High Reynolds Number Flow in a Collapsible Channel
- 5.00-5.30, INI Gatehouse (Applied & Computational Analysis): Timothy Grant - Difference Conservation Laws
- 11.00-11.30, MR2 (Analysis and Combinatorics): Vicky Neale - Bracket quadratics as asymptotic bases for the integers
- 11.00-11.30, MR11 (High Energy Physics (general)): Sarah Leyton - A Quantum Algorithm to Solve Nonlinear Differential Equations
- 11.45-12.30, MR2 (Quantitative Finance): James Holloway - Mathematics in Finance
- 12.00-12.30, MR13 (Differential Geometry/Topology): Peter Herbrich - Can one hear the shape of a broken drum?
- 12.00-12.30, MR14 (Astrophysics): Toby Wood - The Solar Interior
- 4.00-4.45, MR2 (Algebra and Foundations): Julia Erhard - Reverse Mathematics and Ramsey's Theorems
- 4.45-5.30, MR5 (Number Theory): Joel Cohen - An introduction to random matrices and zeta functions
- 5.00-5.30, MR9 (String Theory): Oliver Schlotterer - Superstring Amplitudes and Stringy Signatures at the LHC